Short Hairstyles presents Very Short Hairstyles 2009
Most women think twice, thrice or even more number of times before going in for a short hair style. This is mainly because, they are afraid if it would suit them or not. They would look very pretty and cute if it suits them and it would turn the right opposite if it does not suit them. There are a number of factors which one has to look out before adopting a short hair style.
Very Short Dark Hair
First is the shape of your face. Check out for hair styles that would suit the shape of your face. Do not go in for hair styles that do not suit the shape of your face. Next is the type of hair which you possess. Look out for hair styles that would suit for your type of hair.
Very Short Red Hair

© Glenn Harris / PR Photos
The hair color is also and important factor to consider. This is because, certain hair styles look ugly on some colors of hair. You may also prefer to change your hair color. If you are trying to do so, think twice if that hair color would match with your skin tone and color.Very Short Blonde Hair

© Solarpix / PR Photos
Women with short hair styles look attractive and pretty when they wear long ear studs, necklace, and pendants.
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