Short Hairstyles Trends Short Hair Stereotypes
I recently met a woman bank teller who was clean-shave. I confess that her unconventional clean-shaven image did in a great way influence my perception of her, and how I ended up dealing with her was somewhat different from how I could have otherwise dealt with her.Welcome to the world of short-hair stereotypes. Whether you are a man or woman, and choose to keep short hair, you will be subject to some common short hair stereotypes.
For a man, keeping a short hair shows that you are a conformist (in most societies). Indeed going for a job-interview in certain professions, especially those that require a high degree of conformity with a long hair is a sure recipe for failure. In most societies, short hair is seen as the norm for men, whereas conscipicously long hair is seen as a deviation or at least some form of statement for a man.
For women, it is the other way round. Long hair is seen as the norm for women in most societies, and short hair is seen as some sort of deviation. Women who keep short hair are seen as extremely independent, and maybe bookish. The assumption of independence stems from the idea that for a woman to keep short hair, she must be somehow uninfluenced by societal expectations and opinions. The bookish assumption on the other hand stems from the idea that women who are deeply academically inclined may not have the time for elaborate hair styles, hence their choice of short hair, which is easier to maintain.
5:18 AM
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