Short Hairstyles Trends Short Hair Stereotypes
I recently met a woman bank teller who was clean-shave. I confess that her unconventional clean-shaven image did in a great way influence my perception of her, and how I ended up dealing with her was somewhat different from how I could have otherwise dealt with her.Welcome to the world of short-hair stereotypes. Whether you are a man or woman, and choose to keep short hair, you will be subject to some common short hair stereotypes.
For a man, keeping a short hair shows that you are a conformist (in most societies). Indeed going for a job-interview in certain professions, especially those that require a high degree of conformity with a long hair is a sure recipe for failure. In most societies, short hair is seen as the norm for men, whereas conscipicously long hair is seen as a deviation or at least some form of statement for a man.
For women, it is the other way round. Long hair is seen as the norm for women in most societies, and short hair is seen as some sort of deviation. Women who keep short hair are seen as extremely independent, and maybe bookish. The assumption of independence stems from the idea that for a woman to keep short hair, she must be somehow uninfluenced by societal expectations and opinions. The bookish assumption on the other hand stems from the idea that women who are deeply academically inclined may not have the time for elaborate hair styles, hence their choice of short hair, which is easier to maintain.
Short Hairstyles Trends presents Carry Your Attitude With Short Hair Trends
These days short hair trends are making a real fashion statement for all the women and men all across the globe. These short yet classy hair trends actually provide a sophisticated and sexy look to the person. The short hair trend among women is the hot favorites due to the reason that they wish to look like their most admired celebrities such as Madonna, Sharon Stone or Alicia Keys.
The hottest short hair trend that is demanded by a large number of young ladies is that of the back blunts with a bit longer hair in the front area. The pixie crop and bob cuts are also among the favorites of a huge number of people

These short hair styles can actually provide the person with that extra confidence that they always wanted for. Among the guys, the latest hair trends that they prefer include spikes, side-parting hairstyles and even the almost bald style.

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Short Hairstyles Trends Short Hair Color Advice for Girls
Sporting a short hair has become a fashion trend in today’s fast pacing world. The convenience of wearing short cuts is perhaps, the reason that makes it a standout nowadays. Short hair requires less work and adding some leverage to one’s time.
Wearing a short hair would not be complete without choosing the best hair color to match with it. But choosing one’s color to match with the short hair requires certain aspects on one’s feature.

One’s complexion can also influence the color of one’s hair. Blondes are best matched with short hair especially to those for white. But excessive can be more damaging than adding beauty. It is best to start lighter shades of color to one’s hair before jumping to another. Hair colors should match one skin to blend that beauty within.
Shape of the face
One’s shape of the face could be a challenging factor consider that short hair and at the same time the color that could match with it. Rounded and oval face can get that glamorous short hair look with a trim below the ear level. In this way, the hair can redefine the shape of one’s face for a gorgeous outlook.
photos: © Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos
Short Hairstyles presents Short Hair Styling
Short hair styling is usually preferred by people as it would less expensive and easy to maintain than the long hair. A variety of styles are there to choose from. There are several factors that determine the styling of your short hair. Based on these factors you have to choose your style.Some important factors are hair texture, face and body shape, hair type, color of your hair and eyes, you height, conditioners you use and most importantly your age. Categorize yourself based on these factors and choose the style that suits your category.